Moving Quotes

Today I called UPS, the USPS and La Rosa del Monte to get a quote to compare and decide which one I will use for our moving back to the states. I shouldn’t be surprise but the USPS got my vote. Here are the quotes for the 15 boxes (18x18x24-20 pounds each) I will use to pack my junk

La Rosa del Monte – $1415.00 with no insurance (double if I want insurance). The car is around $1200.00 with insurance (not bad)

UPS – $2497.79 with $300.00 insurance per box

USPS – $375.00 with $300.00 insurance per box

Hands down, sending the boxes by mail is a lot cheaper than next day air (ups) or 6 weeks by boat (rdm) I will use RDM to send the car. The other two don’t deal with that

Sweet. I love it when I get to save

Sweet Home Florida – Part One

The day is set, the wheels are oiled, the machine is warming up. Like I stated a while ago, God willing we are moving back home to Florida between July and August next year. Time flies quickly and the early bird gets the worm. So I’m getting ready now. It is an overdue one way trip 3 1/2 years in the making. Ever since we came here we wanted to go back but were financially drained. Now, things are looking up and we are working toward this goal. Patiently, wiser, carefully. Not going crazy or mentally stressed out by the pressure

We are taking things one day at a time, calmly and with a prayer. Like a quote from here “orando pero con el mazo dando“, which means “praying but at the same time doing“. We pray to God for this, we follow His guidance, but we don’t sit down around waiting for Him to do our part. We meet in the middle. We act on that faith and His promise

Since Monday, we have started building and acting on that faith. Got some documents in order, visited the moving company to get some quotes, looked at a few apartments online, contacted some, called the DMV, the power company and the car insurance company. I already have some details about how things run and because we are going back to the same county, we already know the lay of the land. Our family and friends there offered to help which is a plus. Already let my family here know about the moving and although they are sad, they are helping me sell a few things I cannot take with me

I’m so excited!! I will post details about everything


I finished moving into my new home. Instead of paying rent, we moved to my mother’s house. It’s been empty since she passed away 10 years ago, so why pay when the house is paid off. Actually, the land belongs to the family, a gift from the government ages ago. So it cannot go to waste. It’s a little house, but cute, and to fix it and decorate it to my taste is being a lot of fun. I haven’t finished yet but it’s getting there.

It is located at the base of El Yunque, Puerto Rico’s Tropical Forest, so the weather is awesome all year round. And since is a tropical forest, it rains almost every day, in and out. The sun and the clouds have a constant battle to see which one prevails. There are birds all over the place, singing and chirping constantly. It’s like being in Spring all year.

At nights we have the peculiar singing of our tiny Coqui, a little frog that only lives here in the island. The river runs behind the house, so you can hear the water running and falling from one of the many waterfalls near by. The flora is impressive and beautiful and the grass is always green.

The land is blessed with mango trees, grapefruit, coconut, bananas, plantain, coffee, guava, and sometimes, raspberries. You could say I live in Paradise, but it has it’s downfalls. Technology has not yet arrive in full force. I had to settle for dial-up to access the net stressbecause there is nothing else up here in the mountain.

Thank goodness, we have satellite tv, and phone lines. If not, I would have to go down to Borders to use the computer. Anyway, here we are, don’t know if this is a permanent move or not, but I will try to enjoy my time here. God Bless friendly

Passing By

My goodness, I haven’t post in over a month. The reality is that I’m extremely busy. With the house up for sale, I’m just tidying it up to attract potential buyers, and frankly, the computer is the last thing on my mind. I visit, but don’t post. I have 3 days off from work, so I will catch up on the renovations in order to be ready for the open house this coming Sunday. Hopefully, I will have an offer. It’s troubling in a way because now I have a chance to be promoted @ work. The irony. A spot in the HR Dep has open up and the company is training me for it. Supervisor no less! More hours, better pay. It stinks.

I haven’t mention the moving yet, because I want to learn as much as possible. It’s an open door to grow within the company if they transfer me (hopefully). On the other hand, I feel dishonest by not telling. What to do! The selling might take a couple more months or it could be tomorrow, who’s to tell. In the meantime, life goes on, so I will go along. Things will happen when the time is right, not before, not later.emotional

New Year, New Beginnings

hn_xg9May this new year bring you blessings and happiness. It’s been incredible to me so far. God moves fast when something is cooking, I tell you. Case in point, in a matter of weeks, we have decided to sell the house, buy a car, change jobs, move to Colorado, and everything is moving so fast my head is spinning! It’s crazyyyyy!!!! But, we have seen the hand of God in all of this. All my life I have counted on Him for all my moves.

I don’t make a life changing decision without His approval. He is the first one I go to when something crosses my mind, no matter what it is. I pray and if I see a door open, I will cross it. And all the doors are opening. Our spirit is lifted, our pace haste. I’m already packing!! I will post more details as we go along. We are so excited with this. The change of scenery will be good for us. Anyway, I will talk a lot more in the coming days.! See ya!biggrin