His Unfailing Presence

Another year I enter
Its history unknown;
Oh, how my feet would tremble
To tread its paths alone!
But I have heard a whisper,
I know I shall be blessed;
“My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest.”

What will the New Year bring me?
I may not, must not know;
Will it be love and rapture,
Or loneliness and woe?
Hush! Hush! I hear His whisper;
I surely shall be blessed;
“My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest.”

–Unknown Author

May God bless you, protect you, guide you and prosper you in this new year. May he grant the desire of your heart and keep you safe in his arms. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Form Of Man

The Form Of Man

One day an infant’s cry in a troubled land
Joined the heavenly host on high in peace, goodwill to man.
God’s thoughts and ways are not our own and I can’t understand
Why He wrapped His love in flesh and blood and He took the form of man

And Jesus, lowly born, brought riches to the earth
Lord of Heaven coming down, risking human birth
God’s thoughts and ways are not our own and I can’t understand
Why He wrapped His love in flesh and blood and He took the form of man

Every heart that knows His name, lift your voice and sing
To the praise of God with us, this child, Redeemer, King
There’s never been a greater love since the world began
God the Father sent His Son and we held Him in our hands
He wrapped His love in flesh and blood and took the form of man

— Bryan Duncan

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!!

The Routes Of The World

My aunt sent me these by email and I think they are pretty cool so I’m sharing with you. Enjoy!

Attention Shoppers

Today, I went to the mall with my daughter and I expected a lot of movement due to being so close to Christmas. Not so. The place was lacking on everything. People, music, and decorations. And the horror: No Christmas tree!! I even took my camera to take a picture but there was none. I was shocked and disappointed. The decorations were really scarce, just a store here and there. Maybe the owners don’t believe in Christmas, thus the reason for the awkward atmosphere

I found Santa, though, hidden in a corner by Macy’s with just a couple of moms dragging their kids to take a picture with the old guy. Hmm. Maybe it’s early and all hell will brake loose next week. But it was like any other day of the year. No spirit, no fun, no fighting to get a good parking spot, no people carrying tons of bags, nothing. I supposed we are so broke that we can’t even take a break and splurge a little. So sad

Garlic Chicken Pasta With Baked Cherry Tomatoes

This recipe is extremely yummylicious, easy and quick. I made it today and it was a hit! Like me, you probably have the ingredients already at home, so no going to the market to get them

:: Ingredients ::

2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts cut in small pieces

10 garlic cloves

1 medium onion

3 shallots

1 medium green, red and yellow bell pepper

Salt and pepper or adobo (salt, pepper, cumin, oregano, garlic and onion powder)

1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved

1 box of pasta (spaghetti or fettuccine)

Olive oil

Parmesan cheese

Seasoned bread crumbs

:: Procedure ::

Toss the tomatoes with a bit of olive oil, then coat evenly with the bread crumbs. Layer them on a parchment-lined cookie sheet and bake for about 25 minutes in 350 or until the crumbs are crispy and the tomatoes are lightly caramelized but not dry

Season the chicken with adobo, add to skillet with some olive oil and sear it until well done. Set aside

Boil the pasta according to box, adding a bit of oil and salt to prevent from sticking

Chop the peppers and onions, slice the garlic, add some olive oil to a skillet and saute them for about 2 minutes in medium high

Add 1 cup of the pasta water, bring to a boil, stir, lower temperature, cover and simmer for about another minute or two

Add the chicken and the pasta and toss everything together

Add the tomatoes and the parmesan cheese and toss once more

Garnish with cilantro leaves and serve
